Aspergillus: Occurrence, Structure, Reproduction
Aspergillus is a common saprophytic fungus of the class Plectomycetes. The name Aspergillus is adapted from the Latin name Aspergillum, which means holy water sprinkler. As the fungus has a…
Botany is the branch of biology that deals with the study of plants, including their structure, physiology, reproduction, and biochemical processes.
Botany is a very vast and comprehensive science and is divided into various major branches such as morphology, histology, physiology, plant anatomy, genetics, cytology, taxonomy, ecology, paleobotany, plant geography, etc.
The scope of botany and its consequent importance is vast and immense. For the very existence of not only human beings but also all animals, plants are necessary.
The study of botany forms a necessary informational background for students preparing for careers in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, bacteriology, pharmacology, soil conservation, and other related fields.
Aspergillus is a common saprophytic fungus of the class Plectomycetes. The name Aspergillus is adapted from the Latin name Aspergillum, which means holy water sprinkler. As the fungus has a…
Peziza is a saprophytic fungus of the class Discomycetes. It is often coprophilous in habit, growing on dung. Peziza is commonly known as cup fungus, due to its cup-shaped fruit…
Ascobolus is a coprophilous fungus (i.e., it grows on animal dung) of the class Discomycetes. The genus Ascobolus was introduced in 1791 by C.H. Persoon. Occurrence of Ascobolus Ascobolus is…
Rhizopus is a saprophytic fungus of the class Zygomycetes (as it produces zygospores in the sexual reproductive phase). Its species usually occur on dead organic material. The name Rhizopus was…
Lycopodium is a genus in the order Lycopodiales. This flowerless vascular plant grows mainly in tropical and subtropical forests. Lycopodium is popularly known as club moss or ground pine due…
Psilotum is a genus in the order Psilotales. This fern-like vascular plant is mainly found in tropical and subtropical regions. Psilotum is commonly known as whisk fern due to its…
Sphagnum, a genus of mosses (a group of non-vascular, flowerless plants) in the order Sphagnales, is widely distributed all over the world. Distribution of Sphagnum Gametophyte of Sphagnum The plant…
Ectocarpus is a filamentous heterotrichous marine brown alga of the family Ectocarpaceae. It is the most primitive genus of brown algae. Due to the small mature thallus and relatively quick…
Laminaria is a highly developed parenchymatous marine brown alga of the family Laminariales. It is mostly found in the northern Atlantic and northern Pacific Oceans. The species of Laminaria are…
Polysiphonia is a filamentous marine red alga of the family Rhodomelaceae. Salient Features of Polysiphonia The salient features of Polysiphonia are as follows: Occurrence of Polysiphonia Thallus Structure of Polysiphonia…